AB6037 Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. a public hearing will be held by the Seaside Planning Commission at Seaside City Hall, 989 Broadway, to take testimony regarding the following item: 16-056VRD is a conditional use request by Leif & Shelby Benson for a Four (4) bedroom Vacation Rental Dwelling Permit with a maximum occupancy of not more than six (6) people over the age of three. The property is located at 462 13th Avenue (6 10 16DA TL 8000) and it is zoned Medium Density Residential (R-2). 16-062VRD is a conditional use request by Susan Elgin for a two (2) bedroom Vacation Rental Dwelling Permit with a maximum occupancy of not more than six (6) people over the age of three. The property is located at 223 13th Avenue (6 10 16DA TL 9200) and it is zoned Medium Density Residential (R-2). These reviews will be conducted in accordance with Article 6 and Article 10 of the Seaside Zoning Ordinance which establishes the review criteria and procedures for a Conditional Use. The specific review criterion for Vacation Rental Dwellings is included in Section 6.137 of the Ordinance. 16-061HOZ is a Highway Overlay Zone request by Vince Berg to establish a new restaurant and brew pub in the former CRM building, located at 1725 N Roosevelt. A majority of the building (approximately 2163 sg. ft.) will be dedicated to the new use and the rest of the building will be utilized by In-Land Electric. The applicant plans to utilize the existing access to 17th and the existing paved parking area. The property is zoned General Commercial (C-3) and it is referenced as T6 R10 S15BC TL: 2600 & 4604. The review will be conducted in accordance with Section 3.400, Appendix G of the Transportation System Plan, and Article 10 of the Seaside Zoning Ordinance which establishes the review criteria and procedures for development in the Highway Overlay Zone. 16-057PCR: A request by Mark Stefanelli to develop an 800 square foot accessory building in addition to his existing 1200 square foot garage. The property is located at 1560 N Wahanna Road (T6, R10, 15BD TL: 1000) and the 2.08 acre parcel is zoned Suburban Residential (SR) and Conservation Aquatic (A-2). The Seaside Zoning Ordinance limits accessory buildings to 1000 square feet without Planning Commission authorization. The review will be conducted in accordance with Article 4 and Article 10 of the Seaside Zoning Ordinance that establishes the review criteria and procedures applicable to the requests. All interested persons are invited to attend the meetings and submit oral testimony in favor or in opposition to the request. During the hearing, individuals that wish to offer testimony will be called to a microphone by the Chairman of the Planning Commission and asked to state their name and address for the record before they testify. Written testimony is also welcome and will be submitted to the Planning Commission at the time of the hearing. Comments may be delivered to the Community Development Department located at 1387 Avenue U or mailed to 989 Broadway, Seaside, Oregon 97138. A copy of the application, applicable criteria, documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant are available for review at no charge. Likewise, a staff report will be available for inspection 7 days prior to the hearing. These materials can be reviewed at the Community Development Department. Copies of these materials will be provided at a reasonable cost. Failure to raise an issue at the meeting, in person, or in writing, or failure to provide sufficient details to afford the Planning Commission and the applicant an opportunity to respond to the issue may preclude appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. For more information, contact Seaside Planning Director, Kevin Cupples at (503) 738-7100. Published: October 20th, 2016
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